Debra Westgate-Silva: Signing with an Agent

Debra Westgate-Silva: Signing with an Agent

A Milestones Met Interview

Please share your exciting news (agent signing, book sale, etc.)!

I’m thrilled to announce that I am now represented by Mary Cummings of Great River Literary, an agency devoted exclusively to representing authors of books for children and teens. Mary’s feedback helped me to polish and elevate my manuscript and made me confident in her expertise and approach.

How long have you been writing/pursuing an agent/publishing deal and how has the Courage to Create program/tools served you in reaching this milestone?

I have been writing, on and off, my entire life. A few years ago, I shifted priorities so I could focus on writing and trying to make this dream come true. I heard about The Writing Barn through a social media post and signed up for a class — first a one-day class, then a couple of six-week classes, and then Write. Submit. Support. (WSS) and the Courage to Create. Being part of a community that values writing and children’s literature as much as I do — the support, the learning opportunities, the community, the sharing, the connection — has been life-changing.

When we reach a milestone, it means we may encounter new fears and challenges, as well as joys along the journey. How has being a part of the CTC community prepared you for both enjoying the celebration of a milestone reached and the work that is next to come?

For me, that’s what the CTC community is all about: celebrating accomplishments (and not just the milestones!), processing the obstacles, and recognizing that it’s all part of the journey. The sense of community and support helps me to push through doubts and to keep pursuing the dream.

In the Courage to Create, we call on our Big Why as we engage in the ups and downs of the literary life? What’s your Big Why and how does it keep you motivated to keep working towards new milestones?

I have always believed that great children’s books can change lives. They can foster empathy and kindness, build bridges, and be a safe haven. It’s amazing and inspiring to think that a book’s message can continue to live with a reader long after childhood.

It’s not easy to keep creating courage when it comes to our literary lives. Did you ever encounter a low point or period and did you lean on any of the CTC tools or practices? What did the no/not yets, or near misses/champagne rejections teach you in hindsight now that your YES is here?

There have definitely been low points! When doubt (or even despair) creeps in, it helps me to return to the BIG WHY and the CTC’s Core Beliefs.

As we celebrate your milestone reached, what thoughts can you share with other writers who may doubt they will reach their first or next milestone?

These are snippets I’ve heard from other writers in CTC (I wish I could give credit to each one) that I’ve taken to heart and return to again and again: It may take a hundred nos to get to the yes. The nos are really just “not yets.” The nos mean we’re in the game. And most importantly, in the words of Rob Sanders, “Not everything you write is meant to be published. But everything you write contributes to what you will publish.” So keep writing!

What is your favorite Courage to Create Belief?

“We BELIEVE our books and careers into BEING.”

Deb Westgate-Silva has worked in public education for many years and in child advocacy and welfare. She has been writing stories since before she could spell. Her work has been published in Highlights children’s magazine and in Teaching Tolerance. She loves reading, writing, cooking (and eating!), traveling, and above all else, spending time with family.

Courage to Create Episode 64 with Laura Sibson

Courage to Create Episode 64 with Laura Sibson

Our last episode before break!

Bethany Hegedus welcomes young adult author Laura Sibson whose debut novel, THE ART OF BREAKING THINGS, has been compared to Sara Zarr’s STORY OF A GIRL and Laurie Halse Anderson’s SPEAK.

Laura has an undergraduate degree in counseling and an MFA in writing for children and teens from Vermont College of Fine Arts. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband and two sons, and when she’s not writing, she can be found running or hiking.

For ten or more years prior to publishing, Laura wrote and loved creating her first novel. Her third novel, however, is the one that finally landed her an agent on query number forty-seven.

She and Bethany discuss perseverance and the subjectivity of agents and editors plus what inspired Laura to write THE ART OF BREAKING THINGS after working on two other novels. They delve into the craft challenges of things like flashbacks, pacing, and revision as well as discussing the joy Laura finds in collaboration with editors. Laura also explains how she works with writing partners and community and how that accountability keeps her motivated and moving forward on projects.

Listen today for more craft advice, book suggestions, and insight from Laura Sibson and be sure to check out her website at

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Courage to Create Episode 63 with Christina Soontornvat

Courage to Create Episode 63 with Christina Soontornvat

Bethany interviews friend, Writing Barn student and teacher, and prolific author Christina Soontornvat in this episode of Courage to Create. Christina is the author of THE CHANGELINGS and IN A DARK LAND, the chapter book series DIARY OF AN ICE PRINCESS, three forthcoming picture books, the upcoming middle grade novel A WISH IN THE DARK, and the highly anticipated ALL THIRTEEN: THE INCREDIBLE CAVE RESCUE OF THE THAI BOYS’ SOCCER TEAM.

Together, Bethany and Christina discuss all of these titles plus the importance of diversity in children’s literature. As a first-generation Thai American, Christina is thrilled to be writing books with children that look like her and her family on the covers. In the spirit of the We Need Diverse Books movement, Christina strives to create stories that are mirrors and windows for children and that show readers the “white by default” mentality is inadequate in literature.

She and Bethany also discuss the long time involved in publishing books and picture books in particular. The kid lit industry involves so little that writers can control, and Christina talks about how finding joy in the work and the craft are crucial because those are about the only elements of the business creatives can control. They also chat about freeing yourself from your own inner editor and getting out of your own way so that you can enjoy your work and your literary life.

Tune in today for this inspiring episode of Courage to Create and find out more about Christina at

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Courage to Create Episode 62: Creative A-Team

Courage to Create Episode 62: Creative A-Team

During this episode, host Bethany Hegedus tackles the topic of critique groups, including what they are, how you find one or start one, how you keep one going, how you disband one when it’s not working or leave one that isn’t working for you. She also goes over reasons to join a group such as accountability and companionship. How should you structure the group meetings, and how can a group best function to include all members equally? You can be in any stage of your career and benefit from a critique group, and guess what? You don’t have to take every critique you’re given to heart. Learn how to best participate in a critique group to enhance your work and your community in this episode of Courage to Create.

Are you following us on social media? Make sure to check us out on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

Courage to Create Episode 61: Write. Submit. Support. Segment 2

Courage to Create Episode 61: Write. Submit. Support. Segment 2

In segment two of the special Courage to Create episode Bethany recorded live during her Write. Submit. Support. class’s summer retreat, the group of writers delve into what drives their literary lives at the moment and what, if anything they’d like to change about that. How can community help our work? Why is it so important to balance craft techniques like pace and structure with the emotion of the story? How do we unblock ourselves when we’re creatively stuck?

The writers explore all these topics as they continue on with writing exercises meant to unlock and investigate these areas of the literary life. Bethany also gives a shout out to middle grade author Ann Braden, who was a Courage to Create guest on episode 52, and her heartfelt debut, THE BENEFITS OF BEING AN OCTOPUS, and how much Ann overcame to get that book out into the world. The group discusses the importance of sharing your struggles with your writing community as a way to lessen their impact.

Listen to part one if you haven’t already, and be sure to find out more about The Writing Barn’s online Write. Submit. Support. programming at

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You’ll encounter many obstacles on the way to your yes, but you can take certain time-tested actions to stay inspired and resilient along the way.

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