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Join a community of
It takes courage to create. It takes bravery to be a writer.

When it comes to the literary life… support is not a dirty word. And strategy is becoming oh-so-essential!
As pre-published writers, we might ask: How can I make industry connections? Where can I best spend my writing craft dollars? Is my work ready to submit?How can I meet an agent? An editor? How is publishing changing? Where does my voice fit in?
As published writers, we might ask: The industry is changing and I want to be a part of that change — but how? My agent left the biz, now what? My book was orphaned, how do I approach launch and marketing? I’m not with the right agent — how did this happen? Where are the opportunities to engage with other published writers?
Publishing is a pipe dream, isn’t it? I’m mid-career, but now I feel frozen!

What if to publish, and publish well, the most important stamp of approval you needed was your own?
Now more than ever.
We crave intimate industry connections, IN REAL TIME: We seek agents answering OUR questions, submissions opportunities, writers willing to share about the ups and downs of their creative journeys–both when it comes to the craft and to the business. We seek editors peeling back the behind-closed-doors acquisitions process and the deep editorial work done in partnership with writers, to bring our best stories to market.
Do stories matter? Do MY stories matter?
And maybe, just maybe, we’d like a writer-guide, a frank and funny voice to cultivate these conversations, stoke our creative fires, and provide opportunities for industry connection. (Yep, you guessed it that frank and funny voice would be me, Bethany.) And, I deeply believe this:
Creativity is not a competition. This journey is about art. My art is distinctive and ever-changing. I am not competing against other writers. I am not even competing against myself.
The country club model of the publishing industry is broken. More equity, transparency and opportunities are needed. We each have unique and universal voices. We can and will be heard. (That’s what publishing is all about—the desire to be heard, to connect.)
If we want to transform publishing into a thriving community garden, we need more stories, more varied voices. More empathy in action as we work to see many hands till the soil, tend the space, and where varied voices bloom and grow together, all in their own time, with inclusion and equity.
We thrive in community, with connection.
We don’t have to go it alone. Not now. Not ever.
Is the Courage to Create Calling You?

I love the size of CtC. I’m in other groups where the huge number of participants makes it hard to feel like I can connect to others and I get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of posts on those pages. CtC has an intimate feel that other groups lack.
During the pandemic, as a part of the CTC knowing that we have accountability check-ins motivates me to try to accomplish what I set out to do every week.

You belong in the Courage to Create Community.
-No matter where you are in your literary life journey, you’ll find ways to advance your work and your writing career.
We serve writers in 6 of the 7 Phases of the Literary Life.
RSVP for LIVE Courage to Create Events or review the unlimited replays on the CTC password-protected hub!




One reason I joined Courage to Create was to find support for my 2021 querying goals. Mission accomplished! I cannot recommend it strongly enough. This program will take you on a creativity and self-awareness journey. Thanks CTC!
No matter where you are on your writing journey Courage to Create will help you charge ahead. CTC will encourage you to move forward, grow as a writer and person, and trust your instincts. Get ready for the kick in the pants you might need to bravely pursue your goals.
It’s important for me to connect with allies who seek to empower and amplify #OWNVOICES, and Courage to Create is building a culture of inclusion and equity within the publishing industry. It is connecting a community of writers who want to do the same.

Your Courageous Calling
I launched the Courage to Create in August 2020, not because I wanted to, but because I had to. I launched this community, for the same reason I opened the doors of The Writing Barn ten years ago; for the same reason I started mentoring twelve years ago; and for the same reason I began writing in the first place: because of a calling.
Callings can be shape-shifters. Mine has been.
My calling began with writing stories. The desire to feel heard, to tell an emotional truth. My truth. In fiction. For kids. And later in nonfiction, biographies of changemakers.
Once published, I began teaching. I wanted writers to not despair as much as I did over craft questions, how to serve Story, and where best to spend their dollars, knowing every dime spent on a ‘dream’ can be doubted, and thinking their burgeoning career might be over if dropped by their agent. (I was!)
When The Writing Barn opened its doors, at one of our very first on-site intensives, novelist Sara Zarr, who was event faculty for the weekend wrote this:
“A writer I like, Frederick Buechner, says that a personal calling is ‘where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.’ Most writers I know deeply hunger for a beautiful space and the quiet where they can connect with themselves, others, and their work. And I think Bethany must find her deep gladness in providing such a space. The Barn and surrounding property are aesthetically beautiful, but it’s Bethany’s heart and skill and the wonderful Austin writing community that bring it all together.”
I have Sara Zarr to thank, not just for being a novelist I love, or for those kind words, but from the outset of The Writing Barn getting me thinking about passion and purpose: the calling behind ALL of The Writing Barn classes, events, and programs.
Then, just seven years ago, The Writing Barn became not just a physical space, but a virtual space–with our 6 week classes being taught in real-time over Zoom. (Before Zoom was a verb.) My calling then, was to bring deep craft instruction and community connection to more writers, from their homes.
Amid the pandemic, with our physical grounds still shuttered, ALL of The Writing Barn’s programming went online. I was scared. (Still am.) But I got to thinking about a long held dream, that I had been working on for two or so years, that sprang out of my developing the Write. Submit. Support. Programs, where I worked closely with writers on not just developing their craft, or submitting, but leading a vibrant literary life, where we created stories, industry partnerships and dealt with our resistances.
How can we author our literary lives? – became my new calling.
To become the author of our literary lives, we need agency. Agency in telling our stories, agency in interacting with our publishing partners: agents, editors, marketing folks, librarians, readers, booksellers and more.
The power dynamic in publishing has long been off, and at the Courage to Create we empower creatives to ask questions BEFORE and AFTER publishing, to set boundaries, creative goals, to work with our resistances and triggers, and to channel it always–back into the work.
That’s the deep hunger I am out to satiate; empowering creatives.
My deep gladness comes from serving Story.
And serving storytellers.
The Courage to Create community is NOW 3 years old! A toddler! The community has grown to 300+ writers; writers are taking BOLD chances, members are SIGNING with AGENTS; book contracts are being SIGNED. We are going for our goals and our milestones are happening! Not by magic — but by showing up.
For the work.
For each other.
For ourselves.
We hope you join us.
Creativity is contagious.
All my best,

The Editor Insights & Behind the Book sessions help to deepen my understanding of the editorial process. It’s fascinating to hear the story behind why a book was acquired & how it evolved through thoughtful editing & art direction.
The 3 times a week CTC check-ins help me to be more intentional as a writer but also affirm that passes are part of the process and that persistence and a focus on producing our very best work, will eventually pay off.

The Courage to Create may be calling you if these four key principles speak to you:
The road is long; time and all the worries it brings up can be our antagonist or it can be our best friend. Together, we will retrain our relationship to time—to have it work for us—instead of against us.
Pain into action; as writers we need to feel the range of human emotion—including the not so pretty ones that can lead to creative blocks: imposter syndrome/compare despair, processing feedback and rejecting rejection. Together, we can get comfortable with the uncomfortable.
Intimate Access to the industry; to find the right partners for our literary lives, we need more than conferences and classes. We need intimate access to those with thriving literary lives and the business partners who help them achieve their goals. At the CTC we share resources and have deep discussions with authors, agents, and editors that can change the course of our careers. Together we are out to transform publishing from the broken “country-club” model of the past to a community garden of varied voices, all heard, seen and tended to.
Join the Courage to Create if:
- You find the business side of publishing frustrating and challenging.
- You want intimate industry connections instead of the crush of conferences and the frenzy of online pitch resources.
- You are willing to work with your creative resistances, answering questions to deepen your work and sharpen your passion and purpose.
- You are deep in craft study. In the query trenches or researching agents.
- You would like support deciphering passes and R&R requests.
- You are a new or long term Writing Barn writer who wants the opportunity to be coached by Bethany in a group setting; AND get access to discounts to many of the Writing Barn classes and events.
- You are agented but not confident the relationship is serving your creativity or possibly furthering your career.
- You are happily agented and would like to stay that way, but are interested in making more editor connections.
- You will be a debut author in 2023-2026 and feel overwhelmed at balancing new writing, book promotion, and launching your publishing career.
- You find marketing a challenge. A serious challenge.
- You are published and looking for a community of fellow travelers to discuss the joys and pitfalls as you build a career.
- You know you thrive when setting goals, engaging at your own pace, and enjoy cheering others on as WE all meet our milestones.
Bethany’s awareness of the market is key to her mentoring, giving these writers an additional layer of understanding so that we can go out with well-crafted and market-friendly texts that quickly find publishing homes. It’s quite exciting when we sell three Writing Barn/Bethany mentoring projects in the same week–as we did last week!

Even if writers are agented, it’s of value to sit in on all of the agent and editor sessions to learn what excites publishing professionals and to help us recognize where we might fit in the publishing world. Through these conversations, we might even get jolted by the realization that the world doesn’t just want more stories, the world needs our stories. It’s a great bonus that we’re able to submit to these guests and use what we glean to create conversations about the shifts in the market with agents and editors we’re already working with.

-The Choice is Yours-
Join the COURAGE TO CREATE Community
What do you get when you join?

Intimate Industry Connection
- Monthly Literary Life Group Coaching Sessions. Each monthly webinar/session will be built around a literary life challenge, or an aspect of craft/creation or publication/promotion. There will be time for reflection and connection as well as questions submitted in advance that relate directly to your circumstances. These sessions will be led by Bethany, a CTC Champion, or a special guest.
- Bethany will coach the group and have spotlight conversations with two to three writers per webinar. The sessions will be 90 minutes and added to the password protected Mighty Networks Courage to Create Hub for unlimited replays for the continuation of your paid membership.
- Access to the private password-protected Courage to Create Mighty Networks Hub, where we will goal set, share resources, ask for support, and celebrate our milestones.
- 3 Ask an Agent sessions with top agents who will open to Courage to Create Community members for a brief submissions window.
- 3 Editor Insight sessions with top editors who will open to Courage to Create Community members for a brief submissions window.
- 2 Behind the Book conversations with authors celebrating new releases to discuss the journey from initial idea to final publication, with insights into the creative and business journey.
- CTC Champion for Speaking and School Visits: 3 webinars on a variety of topics relating to school visits and speaking gigs, led by Carmen Oliver of the Booking Biz.
- Resource Alert! For those in the query trenches: Resources/spreadsheets with OPEN agents in children’s: PB-YA, memoir, adult literary, and commercial fiction. Save time, energy and effort as you decide who is right for you!
- For those published: Resources/spreadsheets on when and where to pitch yourself for conferences, writing organizations, festivals, and more.
- Monthly Craft & Community opportunities: Join member-led craft presentations, craft book discussions, or join a like-minded CTC critique group, being matched by a small group of CTC visionaries using our questionnaire to make the matches happen. OR search for writers in your local area and create CTC meetups with nearby writers. Your level of participation is up to you!
- Select discounts on Writing Barn programming; including half-day and 6-week classes, and potentially in-person retreats when they are safe to resume.
- Investment: Literary Life Community Coaching PLUS Intimate Industry Engagement + submissions opportunities

After your first six months, you’ll be invited to renew as an Annual Member at a significant price break, extra perks, and deeper Writing Barn discounts.
*All sessions take place LIVE on ZOOM and are saved on the Mighty Networks hub, with unlimited replay access as long as you are an active member. The week before a session, Courage to Create Community members will fill out a Google form with specific questions for the industry professionals or in relation to their creative journeys and literary lives.

Courage to Create Scholarships:
Representation Matters Scholarships
To work towards our vision of publishing as a community garden: where a variety of voices thrive, every 6 months, we will be offering the following full scholarships, which are not need-based:
- 4 scholarships for B.I.P.O.C writers
- 2 scholarships for LGBTQIA+ writers
- 2 scholarships for neurodiverse writers
- 2 scholarships for writers with various disabilities
Need-Based Scholarships
- 2-4 full or partial scholarships for those in economic need
If you would like to apply for any of the above scholarships please fill out a scholarship application here.
For the first time EVER, we’re accepting Intimate Industry Connection Members on a rolling basis with the option to cancel anytime.*
We’ll regularly poll the members about their genres, agents, and editors of interest. Then I’ll begin to make invitations to our Ask An Agent, Editor Insight, and Behind the Book industry guests for the upcoming 6 months.
*Membership payments can be made monthly, biannually, or annually, and will be automatically re-billed at the chosen frequency; however, members can cancel their membership at any given time.
Previous Courage to Create Ask an Agent session guests include:
- Stephanie Fretwell-Hill, Sarah Stephens, and Jennie Kendrick of Red Fox Literary.
- Natalie Lakosil, Lee O’Brien, and Antoinette Van Sluytman of Irene Goodman Literary Agency.
- Jemisco Chambers-Black, Saritza Hernandez, and Jennifer March Soloway of Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
- Ammi Joan Paquette and Miranda Paul of the Erin Murphy Literary Agency.
- John Cusick, Jan Baumer, and Sonia Chanchani of Folio Literary Management.
- Danielle Chiotti and Kayla Chichelo of Upstart Crow Literary.
- Jacqui Lipton, Kelly Dyksterhouse, and Lori Stell of Raven Quill Literary Agency.
- Brent Taylor and Laura Crockett of TriadaUS.
- Linda Camacho of Gallt & Zacker, Susan Hawk of Upstart Crow, and Sean McCarthy of McCarthy Literary.
- Tanusri Prasanna, Tamara Kawar, and Chris Park of DeFiore & Company.
- Andrea Cascardi, Amanada Orozco, and Elizabeth Bennet of Transatlantic Agency.
- Saba Sulaiman, Amy Collins, and Paula Munier of Talcott Notch Literary.
- As well as, Rubin Pfeffer and Melissa Nasson with Rubin Pfeffer Content, Emily Van Beek and Marcy Posner Folio Jr., Alyssa Eisner Henkin, Alice Fugate and rights agents with the Trident Media Group, Lauren Spieller with TriadaUS, Wendi Gu from Sanford, J. Greenberger, Jim McCarthy with Dystel, Goderich & Bourret.
Previous Courage to Create Editor Insight guests include:
- Caitlin Johnson of Harper Collins/Balzer + Bray
- Kelly Barreles-Saylor of Sourcebooks
- Carter Hasegawa of Candlewick
- Connie Hsu, Emily Feinberg and Mekisha Telfer of Roaring Brook Press.
- Stacey Barney of Penguin/G. P. Putnam and Sons.
- Kendra Levin, Editorial Director of S&S.
- Joy Peskin, Editorial Director of FSG.
- Maggie Rosenthal of Penguin Random House.
- Megan Ilnitizki of Harper Collins.
- Aneeka Kalia of Penguin Random House.
- Elizabeth Law of Holiday House.
- Christy Ottaviano of Christy Ottaviano Books/Hachette.
- Kathleen Merz of Eerdmans Books for Young Readers.
- Sylvie Frank of Disney Hyperion.
- Lauren Knowles and Kayla Tostevin of Page Street Publishing Co.
- As well as *Neal Porter of Neal Porter Books/Holiday House, Tamar Brazis of Penguin/Viking, and Allyn Johnston of Beach Lane/S&S.
Previous Courage to Create Behind the Book guests include:
- Blood Brothers: author Rob Sanders, and editor Wiley Blevins of Reycraft Books.
- My Town, Mi Pueblo: author Nicholas Solis, and editor Nancy Paulsen.
- Looking for Smile: author Ellen Tarlow, illustrator Lauren Stringer, editor/Publisher Allyn Johnston of Beach Lane/S&S and agent Rubin Pfeffer of Rubin Pfeffer Content. BONUS submissions opportunities with Allyn Johnston and Rubin Pfeffer.
- 365 Days to Alaska: author Cathy Carr, and agent Rachel Orr of Prospect Literary. BONUS submission opportunity with agent Rachel Orr.
- It Will Be Okay: A Story of Empathy, Kindness and Friendship: author Lisa Katzenberger and agent Wendi Gu of Sanford J. Greenburger. BONUS submissions opportunity with agent Wendi Gu.
- NYT best-seller Six Crimson Cranes: author Elizabeth Lim and agent Gina Maccoby of Gina Maccoby Literary. BONUS submissions opportunities with Gina Maccoby.
- Arrow: author Samantha M. Clark and editor Sarah Jane Abbott.
- Dorothy the Brave: author Meghan P. Browne, agent Alyssa Eisner Henkin of Birch Path Literary, and editor Tamar Brazis of Viking Books for Young Readers. BONUS submission opportunity with Alyssa Eisner Henkin.
- Thirst: author Varsha Bajaj and agent Caryn Wiseman.
- Cougar Crossing: author Meeg Pincus and editor Andrea Welch.
*Through The Writing Barn and led by Bethany Hegedus

Live your best literary life and write books that create change.
When you join the Courage to Create Community, you’ll become part of a safe and encouraging network that will nurture you to do your best work.
Together, we’ll stop stopping when we are afraid.
Together, we’ll grow our Courage to Create.
Together, our literary lives will flourish.